
Navigation Quick Tips

Need some quick tips for navigating our new website? If you’re not sure how to complete your profile or find the information you want quickly, we’ve got you covered!

Your Account and Profile

To log into your account, simply click on the arrow pointing to the right in the header:

This will take you to the log in page where you will type in your credentials.

If you haven’t completed your profile, simply click on your name which now appears where the login arrow used to be to access your profile menu. From there, click on the link that says “Click here to edit your profile:

Navigate through each of the profile sections and ensure that you’re saving your changes before moving to the next section. Once you’ve completed all required sections, you will either see a progress bar on your dashboard with a percentage of profile completed, or a badge if you’ve filled out all required content. It’s that simple!

Your Dashboard

The landing, or main page, acts as your dashboard. You can customize the look and feel of your dashboard by moving the dashboard “widgets”. Simply hover over the top right-hand corner of a widget, then drag and drop:

Navigating Our Content

We’ve simplified our menu to make it easier to jump from page to page. No matter which page you’re on, you can navigate to any page you’d like, and you’ll know which page you’re on as this will be indicated in the header image. Clicking on the AIMGA logo on the scrolling header will take you back to your dashboard. Hover over any menu item to access the sub-menu items:

Need to get somewhere quick?

  1. The Calendar provides an overview of scheduled courses, workshops, and programs by month. To view the event details, simply click on the event to be taken directly to the event page.
  2. The Programs, Courses, and Events page lists all of our current courses, workshops, and programs in a detailed list view.
  3. To book a one-on-one consultation with one of our staff members, go to Consultations and Appointments to view available appointment slots.
  4. For answers to some commonly asked questions, check out our FAQ.
  5. Want to complete an application for an observership? Click here!
  6. Interested in the Fall 2019 intake of the Career Transition Program? Click here!

We hope you’re enjoying our new website. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please send an email to

Over the next few months, we’ll be rolling out new features like member forums, online program completion certificates, and more!

Cindy Cheung

Cindy K. Cheung spent over a decade in the corporate world in a variety of industries ranging from Oil & Gas, utilities, non-profit, education, and financial services, and held several positions in administration and human resources. She holds certificates in Professional Editing and Technical Writing from Mount Royal University and a certificate in Graphic Design from SAIT Polytechnic. Before joining AIMGA, Cindy was a freelance technical writer, editor, and graphic designer.