Our Programs at a Glance

Information & Orientation
AIMGA provides various information sessions which include an overview of the pathways to licensure, services and programs, and career sessions to ensure our members are making informed decisions regarding next steps and their career pathways.

One-On-One Consults
AIMGA advisors are with you at every step of the process to help you achieve your employment and professional goals. We assist with applications, resumes, interview preparation, and more. Appointments can be made through our website.

AIMGA offers observerships in clinical settings that offer an excellent opportunity to learn in the specific context of the Canadian healthcare system. AIMGA also offers mentorship opportunities for members to connect with mentors, employers, and others.

AIMGA offers mentorship programs designed to provide a supportive and collaborative environment where IMGs can learn from experienced professionals through our weekly mentorship hour sessions or one-on-one mentoring.

Exam Study Groups
The moderated study groups for the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) exams present an excellent opportunity for IMGs to connect with peers and to work together to prepare. We offer QE1, NAC OSCE, and TDM study groups

Career Transition Program
The Career Transition Program assists IMGs who are considering an alternative career pathway in health as a short or long-term goal. CTP includes career workshops, coaching sessions, mentoring circles, and a mock interview with employers and HR consultants.

MCAP Online
MCAP (Medical Communication Assessment Program) is a 12-week program for IMGs seeking licensure via CaRMS, ACSAP, PRA routes. Facilitate sessions include standardized patients, physician examiners, communication educators, and online supports

CaRMS Preparation Program
This program assists IMGs to understand the underlying principles and values of the Canadian healthcare system and the essential skills and attributes required to function effectively as a physician within the Canadian context.

IELTS/OET Preparation
The IELTS/OET preparation courses at AIMGA are designed for IMGs who are seeking an orientation and to develop test-taking strategies for success and to achieve the language proficiency requirements for licensure.

MMI Preparation Course
The Multiple-Mini Interview (MMI) Preparation Course is a 2-day preparation course which includes an educational component, sample scenarios, mock MMI and, a group feedback session. This course is held after the NAC OSCE in the fall.

OSCE Preparation Course
The OSCE Preparation Course is a 2-day preparation program which includes a hands-on workshop, a mock OSCE, mock exam and, a group feedback session.

Lunch & Learn /
Networking Sessions
Lunch & Learn and Networking sessions are informal sessions for our members to network with one another and to learn about a topic of interest, research, employment, programs, and other relevant topics.

Lectures & Workshops
AIMGA offers a variety of lectures and workshops throughout the year based on the needs of IMGs. These include workshops to support study groups, those applying for CaRMs, those selected for residency, and those interested in professional development.

Patient Navigator Program
AIMGA is pleased to offer this skills based program for IMGs seeking employment as health navigators to support citizens who require supports. This program is offered in partnership with AIMGA, York University, and CILISAT (interpreter translator certification).

Health And Wellness Team
AIMGA believes in bringing diversity to healthcare and offers volunteer opportunities for members to support the overall health and wellbeing of various ethnocultural communities. We believe our members have an essential role in community as do our partners.

Research And Evaluation
One of our values is to deliver quality programs and services and to advocate for IMGs therefore, research and evaluation is an important part of the work we do. As we are funded, it is important our members update their profiles and complete surveys.

Needs Assessments
AIMGA advisors conduct needs assessments for members. These assessments look at members’ background education, training, and career goals. Recommended next steps and services are provided. These are essential to developing a career plan.

Gateway’s French Portal
Gateway has partnered with Accueil – PIA — Portail de l’Immigrant Asssociation (pia-calgary.ca) & Cite des Rocheuses to help provide all the Francophone services. Other community orgs like CANAF can also offer supports.