
Major changes to fast-track the certification of internationally trained physiciansNew!

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Royal College) announced changes to the Practice Eligibility Route (PER) process, which assesses and certifies internationally trained physicians (ITPs) based on equivalent training. Please click here for full details.

New medical residency training stream

The Province of British Columbia is launching a new medical residency stream in 2024 to attract and retain more physicians for critical specialties. This pilot program will offer up to 20 expanded residency opportunities to both Canadian and internationally trained medical graduates. Link for more details: Click here

Training more doctors and nurses

Budget 2023 will invest almost $200 million to expand post-secondary health care programs to train more than 3,400 additional health care professionals. Click Here to know more.

Manitoba removes QE1 requirement for Practice Readiness Assessment (PRA) route

Newly approved regulatory amendments will help internationally trained doctors work in the Manitoba health-care system sooner, the province announced Friday. Click Here to know more.

Important notice!

Are you new to AIMGA? Register for our New Member Orientation (NMO). Click on the calendar tab then the event you wish to register for and reserve your seat. All sessions are currently offered via Zoom. Click here to download Zoom.

CPSA launches accelerated registration route for eligible internationally-trained physicians

Please click here for the announcement on the CPSA website (January 16, 2023). Please click here to view the additional routes to registration for IMGs. For more information on PRA routes in Alberta and across Canada, please book a consultation with one of AIMGA’s Career Advisors.

Member forum is now available!

AIMGA has been working behind the scenes to set up an online member forum. You can use the forum to ask questions or share information with other members. The forum is moderated by staff members and is available by clicking here.

Member groups are also available!

Online AIMGA groups are now available and these groups provide a variety of tools and information to group members. You can visit the Resources link for a group to access documents, links to videos, and so on. You can ask or answer questions in a group forum, and each group has a member directory can help you find peers and identify networking opportunities. You can send and receive private messages to other group members through the website. Please click here to see the list of groups that are available.

Expanded IMG pathways

The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) is expanding its pathways for IMGs to meet the requirements for ECFMG Certification and to participate in the 2022 National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) Main Residency Match. The pathways evaluate IMGs’ clinical and communication skills, which are critically important to participate in U.S. graduate medical education (GME) and to provide supervised patient care.Click here for more information.

New information for specialists

Are you an internationally trained specialist seeking licensure in Canada? The Royal College for specialists has updated their information regarding Practice Ready Eligibility.Click here for more information.

General Medical Council Information for IMGs

Would you like to determine if you’re eligible for licensing in the United Kingdom? If you are an IMG with post-graduate qualifications, then this link may be of interest to you.Click here for more information.