Welcome To AIMGA Forums Employment Forum Community Engagement Coordinator – (Stz’uminus – Ladysmith, BC)

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  • #39784

    Tisha Raj

    As a Community Engagement Coordinator you will provide communications, collaboration and planning support to BC First Nations communities. You will develop and support local community engagement activities as part of a regional team. In addition you will ensure that engagement functions and resources are effectively integrated, organized and leveraged to meet strategic and operational needs within the local area or sub-region.

    Develop and support a local and/or sub-regional community engagement strategy involving all communities in the area.
    Assist communities in identifying and prioritizing current and emerging health care needs to inform local and regional planning activities.
    Maintain a minimum of quarterly contact with the health and political leadership of all communities in the network to discuss progress on performance objectives and resolve problems as they arise.
    Organize local community engagement activities that are integrated with identified health priorities and align with the regional engagement strategy.
    Participate in health engagement activities of the Regional Health Authority specific to the area or sub-region.
    Provide logistical and technical support to the Regional and Sub-Regional Caucus process including registration of communities for Regional Caucus meetings and supporting the meetings as required.

    Click HERE for more information

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