Skills Transfer


As an IMG, you possess a set of skills that are transferable to a wide range of career paths both in and beyond the health care sector. You may not know but by being an IMG, you can package these skills to connect with new opportunities that may, or may not, be related to your current professional field.

These transferable skills include:

  • Active listening, interviewing, critical analysis, consultation and research skills to solve problems and make diagnosis
  • Verbal and written communication
  • Rapport building, empathy and caring
  • Lifelong educator and learner
  • Organizational skills
  • Coordination and collaboration
  • Health and patient advocacy
  • Facilitation, mediation and negotiation
  • Cultural sensitivity and safety

Through its Career Transition Program, AIMGA guides cohorts of IMGs through a series of workshops that provide participants with toolkits and strategies to learn and understand how to utilize transferable skills. After these workshops, participants are paired with selected mentors who can provide guidance on how to best use these transferable skills to address opportunities available in various sectors, including healthcare.


Click here to watch a video on using your transferable skills.

Click here to watch a video with some tips on getting employment ready in Canada. This video was created by CRIEC for Internationally Trained Lawyers new to Canada, but a lot of the information transfers to IMG’s as well.