NAC-OSCE Study Group – Tuesday Evenings


NAC-OSCE Study Group – Tuesday Evenings

June 8, 2021 - August 10, 2021
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm





The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Study Group assists Internationally Trained Physicians in preparing for the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC). The competencies and the objectives for the NAC OSCE are reviewed and the expectations of a PGY1 resident are outlined for the different case scenarios presented. The sessions focus on taking an organized history, clinical knowledge and skills, physical exam skills, the think-aloud technique, approach to the patient, ethics, professionalism, communication, and decision-making abilities.

** Proof of registration will be required to register and can be sent to Monica (

This study group will be facilitated by Dr. Bruce Fisher.

The online sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 6 pm to 9 pm starting June 8th until August 10th.

The program objectives are:

  • to understand the exam objectives, format, and assessment criteria;
  • to increase clinical knowledge, decision-making, and management across a broad range of cases through discussion on current evidence, practice, and feedback;
  • to review specific tasks such as case presentations, interpreting of results based on expected formats;
  • to enhance communication, cultural and language skills relative to patient-centered care and the Canadian context; and
  • to familiarize oneself with time frames allotted for demonstrating competencies

Please contact Monica ( with any questions.


Currently 25 of 25 spaces have been booked for this program.

Only active members can make bookings for this program!
Please click here to sign up!

This program is fully booked.

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