Employment Series: LinkedIn and Networking 12:00pm-1:00pm


Employment Series: LinkedIn and Networking 12:00pm-1:00pm

Date / Time
June 5, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MDT


Click the following link to download an ICS file that you can import into your calendar app:

LinkedIn has become an important tool for job searching and networking. Creating an effective profile is a great way to promote yourself and connect with peers and potential employers. In this session, we’ll look at ways to ramp up your LinkedIn profile and other ways to network with others to find a job!

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When joining via the Zoom link, please ensure to indicate your first and last name in order to be let in to the session. If you cannot be identified, you will not be let in. Also, if joining late (15 minutes or more), you may not be let in as these sessions are only 1 hour in length.

For questions please email Anne at anne@aimga.ca

For questions and/or registration support please call us at 403-520-7730 or email Toju at toju@aimga.ca.We look forward to serving you.


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