Phlebotomy Aide

Phlebotomists are responsible for collecting blood samples in accordance with hospital and laboratory policies, and federal, state, and local regulations. They also are tasked with labeling samples appropriately and logging all information related to tests performed and samples taken into a database. Phlebotomists might be drawing blood for tests, research, or donations. Phlebotomists generally work in hospitals and laboratories. Phlebotomists need to have a high school diploma or equivalent. Most phlebotomists have also completed a phlebotomy program and obtained a phlebotomy certification. Certified phlebotomists have met several requirements, including completing an approved phlebotomy program, completing a minimum number of hours of work experience, and passing a certification exam. The best phlebotomists have an eye for detail and great interpersonal skills.

Average Hourly


Range Hourly

$15.50 – $27.76

Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$30,225 – $54,132

Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants (3212)

Laboratory Patient Technician; Donor Care Associate

This varies from one province to another.
Usually, Post-secondary education required Certification or qualification in recognized courses related to phlebotomy may be required

Employment outlook is good to fair in most provinces. More information is available from here.

It depends on acquiring further education and training such as the diploma program of Medical Laboratory Technologist.

None. Requires a certificate program certificate on Phlebotomy.

Phlebotomy (Venepuncture workshop) -NAIT
Phlebotomy Theory - SAIT

Good communication skills; time management; medical terminology knowledge; Interest to spend long time in lab settings; ability to work in stressful situations at times; very diligent and careful; reasonable physical stamina; must be detail oriented and able to follow strict procedures; must be able to work both independently and as part of a team; should have good interpersonal skills; normal colour vision

Phlebotomists/Phlebotomy aides need to be diligent and often need prolonged visual focus and repetitive motions.

There is risk of being exposed to strong chemicals, biological hazards, infectious diseases and the potential for needle prick injuries. They need to be extremely cautious and careful to follow laboratory safety procedures to be safe from contracting infection, and ensure the safety of patients and co-workers, laboratory technologists practise safe work procedures.

Work hours may vary. It could be full time, part time, or casual hours. Rotating shifts including day, evening and night shifts, weekends and holidays may also be needed.

This is not regulated.

Government research laboratories
Medical laboratories
Post-secondary educational institutions
Research institutions

The path to becoming a registered Family therapist is rigorous. IMGs pathway may involve:
Complete the course on Phlebotomy with practicum from a well-known institution. Capitalizing on the practicum experience one can get a job.