
A Chiropodist is a primary health care provider, described as a foot specialist, who provides a variety of medical services ranging from nail and skin care to orthotics and in-office surgeries. Chiropodists are key members of your foot health care team representing the largest number of premier foot specialists in Canada. Chiropodists diagnose and treat ailments, diseases, deformities, and injuries of the human foot, and ankle. Their goal is to help patients prevent foot-related disorders. Treat patients using braces, casts, shields, orthotic devices, physical therapy, or prescribed medications. Chiropodists can perform nail, skin, and soft tissue surgical procedures.

Average Hourly


Range Hourly


Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$103,089 – $191,385

Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating (3125)

Doctor of podiatric medicine (D.P.M.); Foot specialist; Foot Doctor; Foot Surgeon; Podiatric Surgeon;

A three-year diploma program in chiropody (DCh) obtained in Canada
or a first-degree program in podiatric medicine (D.Pod.M.) obtained abroad (United Kingdom) is usually required.
A licence is required in New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia

Employment outlook is good to fair in most provinces. More information is available here.

With training and experience, chiropodists can become podiatric surgeons. They perform surgery on soft tissue and bone. Their practice includes being on call and doing minor surgery in outpatient clinics. They may also do surgery in hospital operating rooms as part of a medical team.

2-3 years post-graduate training and experience are usually required

An interest in helping people
• An aptitude for science
• Manual dexterity
• Physical strength
• Good eyesight
• Enjoy working with people and following a routine. Comfortable using instruments and equipment for precision tasks
• Ability to work independently
• Precision working with surgical tools and mechanical and electrical techniques to treat conditions

Difference between Podiatrist (D.P.M.) and Chiropodist
Apart from the different degree obtained - Chiropody (generally 3-year diploma), Podiatrist (4-year doctoral degree program) there is not much difference between these two jobs.

Community health centres
Private practices

To obtain a certificate of approval for registration, an applicant must have:
• Graduated from a college of podiatric medicine approved by the Board of Examiners in Podiatry
• Successfully completed Part 1, 2, 2 CSPE (Clinical Skills Patient Encounter), and Part 3 of the American Podiatric Medical Licensing Exam (AMPLE)
• Completed a 2-year or greater post-graduate residency program approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education of the American Podiatric Medical Association
For more information, visit the CPPA website.