Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Are you an AIMGA Member? *YesNo1. How many study sessions did you attend in total? *12-34-67-910+2. Did you sit the Royal College Pediatric OSCE Exam? *YesNo2b. Why not?3. Did you pass? *YesNo4. To what extent did these sessions increase your knowledge in preparation for the Royal College Pediatric OSCE Exam? *No increaseSomewhat increasedIncreasedGreatly increased5. To what extent did these sessions increase your confidence in preparation for the Royal College Pediatric OSCE Exam? *No increaseSomewhat increasedIncreasedGreatly increased6. Were your tutors/facilitators any of the following: (check all that apply) *KnowledgeableRespectfulEngagingPreparedTime efficientNone of the above7. How prepared did you feel going into the Royal College Pediatric OSCE Exam? *Not PreparedSomewhat PreparedPreparedVery prepared8. Do you feel that the study group sessions prepared you well for the exam? *Not at allSomewhatYesYes, very much so9. Please share any other feedback or comments you have involving the study groups that you attended. (E.g., What did you like about the study groups? What could be improved? How did it help you personally to prepare for the exam? How are you feeling post-exam?)Submit