Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. How prepared did you feel for your interview? *Not preparedSomewhat preparedPreparedVery prepared2. To what extent did AIMGA help with your interview preparation? *Not helpfulSomewhat helpfulHelpfulVery helpful3. Please select other resources you utilized through AIMGA or elsewhere. *Residency Interview Preparation WorkshopResources made available via AIMGA's CaRMS groupI didn't use any other resourcesOther3b. Please explain. *4. What area of specialization(s) did you obtain an interview for? *Family medicineOther4b. Please specify:5. For which program(s) / universities?6. Which advisor(s) did you meet with for residency interview preparation purposes? *Basma SheikhDeidre LakeTeresa LauKathleen HallTisha RajAnne BabineauRossalia VidelovaPamela Heath7. Do you have any other comments or feedback for us? (E.g., Were the questions similar to the ones you practiced? Do you have any suggestions for future residency preparation? Were there any questions you found challenging in the actual interview that you would like to share? Do you have any feedback regarding the advisors you met with in preparation for your residency interview?)Submit