Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4Which of the following programs/sessions/workshops have you attended? *Employment SeriesOETToronto Notes Review (4-Apr-24)Health is Wealth: Sleep Yourself Well (8-Apr-24)Community Connections (Site Visits)MentorshipCareer FairNextEmployment SeriesES1: Which of the following Employment Series sessions have you attended? *Writing a Professional BiographyThe Art of Resume WritingMastering Cover Letter & Email EtiquetteMastering Interview and Virtual Meeting EtiquetteNavigating References, Thank You Notes, and Next Steps in the Job Searching ProcessJob Search StrategiesLinkedIn and NetworkingI don't recallES2: To what extent did the session(s) increase your knowledge of the topic discussed? *Greatly increasedIncreasedSomewhat increasedNo increaseES3: How relevant was/were the session(s) to your needs? *Very relevantRelevantSomewhat relevantNot relevantES4: To what extent did the session(s) help with your employment / job search goals? *Very helpfulHelpfulSomewhat helpfulNot helpfulES5: Was the facilitator(s) any of the following? (Check all that apply) *KnowledgeableRespectfulPreparedTime efficientEngagingNone of the aboveES6: Any other comments or feedback for us? If relevant, please specify which employment series session your comments are pertaining to (date of session, topic, AIMGA facilitator)NextOETOET1: Which OET session(s) did you attend? *SpeakingWritingListeningReadingI don't recallOET2: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? * Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree The program was very useful to my preparationStrongly AgreeThe program was very useful to my preparation Strongly AgreeAgreeThe program was very useful to my preparation AgreeDisagreeThe program was very useful to my preparation DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe program was very useful to my preparation Strongly DisagreeThe program increased my confidence in taking the examStrongly AgreeThe program increased my confidence in taking the exam Strongly AgreeAgreeThe program increased my confidence in taking the exam AgreeDisagreeThe program increased my confidence in taking the exam DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe program increased my confidence in taking the exam Strongly DisagreeThe instructor was knowledgeableStrongly AgreeThe instructor was knowledgeable Strongly AgreeAgreeThe instructor was knowledgeable AgreeDisagreeThe instructor was knowledgeable DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe instructor was knowledgeable Strongly DisagreeThe instructor was respectfulStrongly AgreeThe instructor was respectful Strongly AgreeAgreeThe instructor was respectful AgreeDisagreeThe instructor was respectful DisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe instructor was respectful Strongly DisagreeI would recommend this program to my fellow IMG colleaguesStrongly AgreeI would recommend this program to my fellow IMG colleagues Strongly AgreeAgreeI would recommend this program to my fellow IMG colleagues AgreeDisagreeI would recommend this program to my fellow IMG colleagues DisagreeStrongly DisagreeI would recommend this program to my fellow IMG colleagues Strongly Disagree OET3: Please select the statement that applies to you: *I recently did the exam and have resultsI am awaiting resultsI have an upcoming OET examI am trying to book an OET exam dateI still don't feel ready to take the exam at this pointOET3a: Which delivery-method did you do or book? *Paper-basedComputer-basedOET3b: Did you meet with success? *Yes, I achieved my desired scoresNo, but my scores have improvedNot yetOET3c: What were the scores that you achieved? * ABCD SpeakingASpeaking ABSpeaking BCSpeaking CDSpeaking DWritingAWriting ABWriting BCWriting CDWriting DListeningAListening ABListening BCListening CDListening DReadingAReading ABReading BCReading CDReading D OET3d: When is your exam?OET4: Additional comments regarding the workshops, your exam experience if applicable, or a testimonial?NextGeneral Workshops/Lunch & Learns1. To what extent did this session increase your knowledge of the topic discussed?Greatly increasedIncreasedSomewhat increasedNo increase2. How relevant was this session to your needs?Very relevantRelevantSomewhat relevantNot relevant3. Was the facilitator(s) any of the following? (Check all that apply)KnowledgeableRespectfulPreparedTime efficientEngagingNone of the above4. Any other comments or feedback for us? If relevant, please specify which lunch and learn or workshop session your comments are pertaining to (date of session, topic, AIMGA facilitator)Submit