QE1 Exam Preparation Course – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (6:30pm-8pm MDT)
November 1, 2023 - November 30, 2023
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm MDT
Click the following link to download an ICS file that you can import into your calendar app:
The Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam Part 1 Study Group is facilitated by a moderator to assist IMGs to prepare for this examination. Currently, we have several moderators for the QE1 at AIMGA. These sessions are being offered online.
The MCCQE Part I is a summative examination that assesses the critical medical knowledge and clinical decision-making ability of a candidate at a level expected of a medical student who is completing his or her medical degree in Canada. The examination is based on the MCC Objectives, which are organized under the CanMEDS roles. Candidates graduating and completing the MCCQE Part I normally enter supervised practice. Aside from formal accreditation processes of the undergraduate and postgraduate education programs, the MCCQE Part I is the only national standard for medical schools across Canada and, therefore, is administered at the end of medical school.
The MCCQE Part I is a one-day, computer-based test. Candidates have four hours in the morning to complete 210 Multiple-Choice Questions and up to three and a half hours in the afternoon for the Clinical Decision-Making component, which consists of 38 cases with short-menu and short-answer write-in questions. For specialist IMGs, the QE1 requires a complete review of all areas of medicine.
AIMGA’s MCCQE1 study groups are offered throughout the year on a quarterly basis. AIMGA provides study materials through our in-person medical library and other relevant resources as a means of preparation. We also have quest speakers that contribute to specialty area topics on a quarterly basis.
Please note it is required that you register here on the website before accessing the study session.
For questions and/or registration support please call us at 403-520-7730 or email Melat at We look forward to serving you.
Currently 334 of 400 spaces have been booked for this program.
Please click here to sign up!
Bookings are closed for this program.