Netcare Training


Netcare Training

Date / Time
June 15, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm MDT


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Netcare Training

Student Education Services is hosting a Netcare Training through GotoWebinar. Alberta Netcare has developed a practice environment that simulates the Alberta Netcare information and functionality. Whether you are just learning how to use the system, or would like to explore and discover something new, the training environment is a perfect place to develop your skills.

How does it work?

All webinars are scheduled in GoTo Webinar. Please click to register at the bottom. After registering in advance for the session, you will receive an email on the morning of with information on how to login for the scheduled day and time. Students do not need to download any software, you just need access to a web browser.

What is involved in the session?

The sessions are typically 90 minutes in length via webinar. The webinar session is specifically scheduled for students and their health role. It begins with Alberta Netcare standard power point presentation to review background information of Netcare and privacy and security information. Alberta Netcare then introduces the Alberta Netcare Learning Centre training materials followed by a demo of Netcare functionality in the training environment.

When you join the webinar you will be able to see the instructor’s screen and you can choose to have the audio presented through your computer speakers or via telephone. All students microphones will be muted to avoid any background noises but you can still answer questions via the chat/question function of the GoTo Webinar system. The questions are only visible to the instructor.

**Note: AIMGA will email you the link to register for the GoTo Webinar, two days prior to the training date.
Latecomers on the day of the training will not be admitted into the session.




Currently 42 of 120 spaces have been booked for this program.

Only active members can make bookings for this program!
Please click here to sign up!

Online bookings are not currently available.

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