Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Prior to attending this session, what was your level of knowledge and understanding about the topic discussed? *Very knowledgeableKnowledgeableSomewhat knowledgeableNot at all knowledgeable2. To what extent did this session increase your knowledge or understanding about the topic discussed? *Greatly increasedIncreasedSomewhat increasedNo increase3. To what extent, was the information and resources provided helpful or relevant to your learning needs? *Very relevantRelevantSomewhat relevantNot relevant at all4. To what extent, did this session improve your confidence and ability to make better-informed decisions towards your goals? *Greatly improvedImprovedSomewhat improvedNo improvement5. To what extent was the facilitator prepared and able to answer arising questions? *Well-preparedPreparedSomewhat preparedUnpreparedSubmit