Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastAwareness & AccessAs a result of taking PNP, my AWARENESS of... * Greatly increasedIncreasedStayed the sameDecreased labour market integration has...Greatly increasedlabour market integration has... Greatly increasedIncreasedlabour market integration has... IncreasedStayed the samelabour market integration has... Stayed the sameDecreasedlabour market integration has... Decreasedlabour market resources and programs have....Greatly increasedlabour market resources and programs have.... Greatly increasedIncreasedlabour market resources and programs have.... IncreasedStayed the samelabour market resources and programs have.... Stayed the sameDecreasedlabour market resources and programs have.... Decreasedoccupations in patient navigation, health promotion/facilitation, and interpretation have...Greatly increasedoccupations in patient navigation, health promotion/facilitation, and interpretation have... Greatly increasedIncreasedoccupations in patient navigation, health promotion/facilitation, and interpretation have... IncreasedStayed the sameoccupations in patient navigation, health promotion/facilitation, and interpretation have... Stayed the sameDecreasedoccupations in patient navigation, health promotion/facilitation, and interpretation have... Decreased Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement: "As a result of taking PNP, I feel more hopeful around my career outlook and professional integration." *Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeIn terms of providing increased access to the labour market, how would you rate your PNP practicum experience? *ExcellentGoodAveragePoorNAEmployment MilestonesWhat employment milestones have you achieved since the start of the program? Please select all that apply: *Attended a career fairApplied for a jobInterviewed for a jobGot a jobNetworked with other professionalsHow many jobs have you had since you took the PNP program? *0123+How many jobs have you been offered since you took the PNP program? *0123+What is your current employment status? *Employed (full time)Employed (part time)UnemployedHow many jobs do you currently have? *1234+Why did you leave this position? *Laid offProject endedEnd of seasonal jobQuitResigned due to family responsibilitiesDismissed or firedMedical reasonsMaternity/Parental leaveLeave of absenceCompany sold / closed downReturn to training / return to home countryPlease specify your job title (Job #1): *Please specify the organization name (Job #1): *What is your type of employment (Job #1)? *PermanentSeasonalTemporaryStart date of Job #1: (DD,MM,YY) *End date of Job #1: (DD,MM,YY) *write "NA" if currently still working for this organization *How many hours per week worked? (Job #1) *1-1011-2021-3031-4041-5050+Please specify your HOURLY rate of pay: (Job #1) *Is this job health-related (Job #1)? *YesNoPlease specify your job title (Job #2) *Please specify the organization name (Job #2) *What is your type of employment (Job #2)? *PermanentSeasonalTemporaryStart date of Job #2: (DD,MM,YY) *End date of Job #2: (DD,MM,YY) *write "NA" if currently still working for this organization *How many hours per week worked? (Job #2) *1-1011-2021-3031-4041-5050+Please specify your HOURLY rate of pay: (Job #2) *Is job #2 health-related? *YesNoPlease specify your job title (Job #3) *Please specify the organization name (Job #3) *What is your type of employment (Job #3) *PermanentSeasonalTemporaryStart date of Job #3: (DD,MM,YY) *End date of Job #3: (DD,MM,YY) *write "NA" if currently still working for this organization *How many hours per week worked? (Job #3) *1-1011-2021-3031-4041-5050+Please specify your HOURLY rate of pay: (Job #3) *Is job #3 health-related? *YesNoHow satisfied are you with your job(s)? *Very satisfiedSatisfiedDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedHow many labour market connections have you made (through job search and work/mentorship experience, career fairs), as a result of participating in PNP? *Provide an estimated figure if you cannot recall the actual number. This includes peers in the program, guest speakers, those you met on site visits, during practicum experiences,etc.Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement: "My occupational position makes use of my knowledge and transferable skills that match my education level and expectations." *Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeEducation MilestonesAre you currently in any continuing education? *Yes, full timeYes, part timeYes, e-learningNoStart date of program: (DD,MM,YY) *End date of program: (DD,MM,YY) *What is the program and educational institution? *ConnectionAs a result of taking PNP, my ABILITY to connect with... * Greatly improvedImprovedStayed the sameDecreased workplaces through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has...Greatly improvedworkplaces through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has... Greatly improvedImprovedworkplaces through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has... ImprovedStayed the sameworkplaces through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has... Stayed the sameDecreasedworkplaces through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has... Decreasedthe Alberta healthcare system, through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has...Greatly improvedthe Alberta healthcare system, through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has... Greatly improvedImprovedthe Alberta healthcare system, through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has... ImprovedStayed the samethe Alberta healthcare system, through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has... Stayed the sameDecreasedthe Alberta healthcare system, through increased knowledge, skills, and opportunities has... Decreasedother health professionals has...Greatly improvedother health professionals has... Greatly improvedImprovedother health professionals has... ImprovedStayed the sameother health professionals has... Stayed the sameDecreasedother health professionals has... Decreased Is there anything else you'd like to share?Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! Your feedback is valuable.Submit