Speech Language Pathologist (S-LP)

Speech-language pathologists are autonomous health professionals who can evaluate, diagnose and treat a broad range of developmental delays and disorders. They work with speech, language, voice and resonance, stuttering, swallowing, feeding problems, and cognitive-communicative disorders of patients of all ages. They also advocate for preventing those conditions.

Speech-language pathologists may work in hospitals, educational institutions, rehabilitation centers, long-term care centers, early intervention programs, research centers and can practice privately. This role works with a multidisciplinary health team of audiologists, psychologists, social workers, doctors, nurses, teacher and educational assistants, and occupational therapists

Average Hourly


Range Hourly

$23.83 – $58.08

Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$46,461 – $113,256

Audiologists and speech-language pathologists (3141)

Community speech-language pathologist

Educational speech-language pathologist

Human communication disorders specialist


Speech and hearing therapist

Speech pathologist

Speech therapist

Speech-language clinician

Speech-language pathologist

Speech-language pathologist clinician

Speech-language pathologist researcher

  1. M.Sc. (2 to 3 years usually)

  2. Completion of a 4-year undergraduate program with completion of seven prerequisite courses

Average hourly

Range hourly

Average yearly

Range yearly


$23.83 - $58.08


$46,461 - $113,256


Employment outlook is Good to Fair in most provinces. More information is available here.

Working as researchers at hospitals, universities or government agencies with further education (PhD) is possible. Managers and supervisors of speech and hearing programs.

Registration with the Alberta College of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists.

They must be licensed in most provinces/territories in Canada in order to practice

A number of universities in Canada offers M.Sc. in speech-language pathology. A list of those programs can be found here.

Excellent communication skills; empathetic; ability to work independently; flexible; team player

The professions of audiology and speech-language pathology are regulated in most provinces of Canada. In order to work in those jurisdictions, you must apply for a license to practice from the provincial regulatory body. The list of regulators may be found here. Audiology and speech-language pathology are currently not regulated in Prince Edward Island or the Canadian Territories of Nunavut, Northwest Territories and Yukon. The Canadian Alliance of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Regulators (CAASPR) is the national coalition of eight provincial regulatory bodies for the professions of audiology and speech-language pathology across Canada.

Probable ways include admission to an M.Sc. program at a suitable university. Some universities such as University of Alberta and University of British Columbia may require certain pre-requisite courses. Some pre-requisite courses can be obtained online. However, some do not require pre-requisite courses, but Dalhousie University requires a Graduate Records Examination (GRE). However, for pre-requisite courses not being required, the M.Sc. in Dalhousie University is 3 years long. For most programs, having volunteer experiences in speech-language pathology programs/ institutes such as Aphasia Institute, Alberta Aphasia Camp, etc. are extremely valued.