
Orthoptists are allied health professionals who specialize in the non-surgical treatment of ocular motility and visual development disorders such as amblyopia, strabismus and diplopia. The orthoptist is the front line in the assessment and diagnosis of these disorders, and works with the ophthalmologist in formulating and implementing treatment plans. Orthoptists work under an ophthalmologist. They prescribe treatment such as eye exercises or patching regimens. Learn more.

Average Hourly


Range Hourly

$19.52 – $49.36

Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$38,066 – $96,250

Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating (3125)

Completion of a two-year accredited post-graduate training program in Orthoptics are required.

Average hourly

Range hourly

Average yearly

Range yearly


$19.52 - $49.36


$38,066 - $96,250


Employment outlook is mostly good across provinces. More information is available here.

Orthoptists may also be trained as ophthalmic technicians or technologists.

There are only 3 accredited programs in Canada.

BC Children's Hospital

Dalhousie University (Master's in Clinical Vision Science; with thesis/Graduate Diploma; without thesis)

Saskatchewan Health Authority

The ability to study and interpret customer issues, the ability to focus on details, patience and perseverance, organizational, interpersonal and communications skills, multitasking, analytical skills, ability to interpret scientific data, teamwork

Certification with Canadian Orthoptic Council required.

They usually work on day shifts. Orthoptists may work in the public sector in hospital based orthoptic clinics, medical/eye-health related educational centers, private ophthalmology office, alongside other ophthalmological staff and allied health care personnel.

Enrolling into an orthoptist program at one of the three available courses in Canada. Getting the respective licensure.