
Ocularists are trained professionals skilled in the art of fitting, painting and fabricating custom ocular prostheses. In addition to creating custom ocular prostheses, and providing long-term care through periodic examinations, an ocularist provides the patient with complete instructions on the care and maintenance of their prosthesis. (American Society of Ocularists, UofM)

Ocularists design, fabricate and fit ocular prostheses and conformers, and may design and fabricate implants. They consult with ophthalmologists concerning insertion of ocular prostheses. They also paint the iris and pupil of artificial eyes. Cleaning and restoration of ocular prostheses is part of their job. They advise patients concerning the loss of depth perception and the care and use of ocular prostheses. They also repair and maintain fabrication and laboratory equipment.

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Average Hourly


Range Hourly

$32.82 – $57.60

Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$68,273 – $119,823

Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) (3219)

Ocular prosthetist


Ocularist apprentice

Ocularist technician

Ocularists require completion of the education program of the American Society of Ocularists and supervised practical training or a five-year supervised practical training program under a certified ocularist.

Average hourly

Range hourly

Average yearly

Range yearly


$32.82 - $57.60


$68,273 - $119,823


Employment outlook is mostly good across provinces. More information is available here.

With experience managerial position in artificial-eye production companies are possible

The ability to study and interpret customer issues, the ability to focus on details, patience and perseverance, organizational, interpersonal and communications skills, multitasking, analytical skills, ability to interpret scientific data, teamwork, fine motor skills, diligence.

Certification by the National Examining Board of Ocularists is usually required.

They usually work on day shifts.

More information

IMGs wanting to become an Ocularist can complete education through the American Society of Ocularists College of Ocularistry and supervised practical training, or a five-year supervised practical training program under a certified ocularist. Certification by the National Examining Board of Ocularists is usually required.