Mental Health Counsellor

Mental health counsellors assess and diagnose clients experiencing psychological symptoms. They provide treatment and psychotherapy plans for their clients. Mental health counsellors talk to clients about their experiences, emotions, and thoughts. Conducting group sessions with families. They work with clients to set goals, develop a treatment plan, and gain insight through treatment.

Mental health counsellors also identify situations, behaviours, and thoughts of the clients that interfere with their wellness and recovery. They examine social issues that may influence a client’s mental well-being, including peer pressure, bullying, substance use, prejudice, work stress, financial challenges, and health issues, and counselling their clients accordingly.

Referring clients to other health professionals as well as to other resources in the community such as other social services, job services, and support groups

Average Hourly


Range Hourly

$29.85 – $41.81

Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$58,208 -$81,531

Family, marriage and other related counsellors (4153)

Behavioural consultant; Bereavement counsellor; Child and family counsellor; Child and youth counsellor; Children's counsellor; Community mental health counsellor; Counselling program supervisor; Counsellor for persons who are intellectually impaired; Couples therapist; Crisis counsellor; Disability consultant; Drug addiction counsellor; Eating disorder therapist; Genetic counsellor; Grief counsellor; Group home counsellor; Mental health counsellor; Play therapist; Preretirement counsellor; Psychoeducational consultant; Psychoeducator; Rehabilitation counsellor; Sex therapist; Sexologist; Special needs counsellor; Vocational rehabilitation consultant; Vocational rehabilitation counsellor; Welfare organization counsellor; Zootherapist;

The minimum requirements for a licensed mental health counselor are a master's degree in counseling and at least two to three years of supervised practice under a licensed professional

The employment outlook is good to fair in most provinces. More information is available here

Progression to professional occupations in social services, such as family and marriage counsellors, social workers, and probation and parole officers, is possible with additional training and experience. Being a specialist counsellor for some area (such as children or family) and clinical counsellor is possible with further training and experience.

2-3 years of relevant experience are usually required

Must be a good communicator and listener,
Must be able to adapt to all environments and clienteles
Must be imaginative and creative
Must be organized
Must have excellent initiative and be able to work autonomously
Must know how to observe and analyze situations and people
Must love contact with the public

Rehabilitation centres

Integrated health and social services centres offering protection services and rehabilitation for youths in trouble of adaptation and their families

Local community services centres (CLSCs)

Mental health counsellors begin by earning a bachelor's degree in a human services field such as psychology, sociology, or social work. While having a background in social science is ideal, people with undergraduate degrees in other fields can also enter the field of counselling. This often requires completing a number of basic prerequisite courses before gaining admission to an accredited master's degree program