ICPs work at hospitals, health centers, clinics and other healthcare facilities. They work with a variety of other health care staff, including other technologists, therapists, physicians and nurses in order to provide patients with the best care. Although they often work alone with patients, an infection control practitioner is part of an inter-professional team that includes inpatient staff, cancer care and allied health professionals.
Average Hourly
Range Hourly
$24.21 – $57.22
Average Yearly
Range Yearly
$47,206 – $111,570
Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses (3012)
Infection control co-ordinator - hospital
Infection control nurse
Infection control officer - hospital
Infection control officer - medical
Infection surveillance nurse
Bachelor’s degree in Nursing or any other health related field/Epidemiologist
May require licensure with an applicable regulatory body such as CARNA (nursing), CMLTA (lab tech) or CPSA (physicians)
Requires CIC Board certification on the job
Average hourly |
Range hourly |
Average yearly |
Range yearly |
$46.10 |
$24.21 - $57.22 |
$89,885 |
$47,206 - $111,570 |
Emerging occupation. Very little information available.
Employment outlook is Good to Fair in most provinces. More information is available here.
As this is an emerging occupation very little information is available about the career growth for this job.
0-5 years of experience, depending on the organization
Certification from a certified infection control program such as IPAC Canada sponsored online novice courses, Centennial College (Toronto), Michener Institute (Toronto), Queens University (Kingston), University of British Columbia etc.
Excellent communication skills; excellent multitasking skills; exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills; ability to work independently
Licensure with a regulatory body is ultimately needed. Certification exams to be taken with the certified infection control board. This can only be done while on the job and playing certain roles on the job.
Full-time/Part-time/casual basis. This is an emerging occupation.
Shift schedules are generally days, Monday to Friday, and may include some weekend and on-call duty.
Most likely way may need to be trained as RN or become an epidemiologist and then obtain the CIC certification to be competitive for such position. However, according to CBIC if graduates of other health fields are accountable for infection preventing and control activities/program in their current job settings they can be eligible for CIC certification. If a CIC certification can be obtained, then an IMG can be competitive to apply to such position. Meanwhile, taking IPAC courses can be helpful to strengthen their application and finding a job in the infection prevention and control field.