Speech-Language Pathology Assistant

Assist speech-language pathologists in the assessment and treatment of speech, language, voice, and fluency disorders. Implement speech and language programs or activities as planned and directed by speech-language pathologists. Monitor the use of alternative communication devices and systems.

They carry out treatment programs, document results and develop materials for use with patients, under the supervision of speech-language pathologists or audiologists. They document patient rehabilitation progress, and check and maintain therapeutic equipment and materials.

Average Hourly


Range Hourly

$23.00 -$35.34

Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$44,850 – $68,913

Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment (3237)

Communication aide – medical

Communication assistant – medical

Communication disorders assistant

Communication disorders instructor

Communicative disorders assistant

Communicative disorders instructor

Speech aide

Speech correctionist – medical

Speech language assistant

Speech technician

Speech therapist aide

Speech therapist assistant

Speech therapy aide

Speech therapy assistant

Speech-language pathology assistant

Communicative disorders assistants and speech-language pathology assistants require completion of a three- to four-year college program. Clinical experience under supervision is usually preferred.

Average hourly

Range hourly

Average yearly

Range yearly


$23.00 -$35.34


$44,850 - $68,913


Employment outlook is mostly good across provinces. More information is available here.

With further education and training, one can become a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP).

Outstanding communication skills, both orally and written; ability to work under pressure; be able to fully understand patients’ needs; compassionate, dependable, ethical, and mature; ability to organize and prioritize workload priorities in collaboration with others; strong social skills and leadership ability; ability to manage high levels of stress associated with life threatening situations and medical conditions; self-discipline and self-directed; the ability to multi-task in a complex and fast-paced environment; a clean record, no prior criminal background.

Provincially regulated.

Speech-language pathologist assistants work with audiologists, speech-language pathologists, doctors and occupational health nurses. Their duties and responsibilities vary from one position to another. They work in clinics, hospitals, schools and work sites.

Some may work regular weekday hours. Others may be required to work some early morning, evening or weekend hours

  1. Proof of English proficiency and medical terminology, ethics, and communication

  2. Enrolling into a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant program

  3. More information can be available here.