- Seizures and epilepsy
- Strokes and bleeding in the brain
- Degenerative brain disease
- Brain infections
Evoked Potentials testing records electrical activity of the brain and spinal cord after a deliberate external stimulation. The visual (eyes), auditory (ears), motor (muscle) and sensory nerves can all be tested for such things as:
- Spinal cord injuries
- Tumours on the nerves
- Inflammation of the nerves
When the patient is ready, the technologist briefs them about the procedure to help reassure them and to discuss any questions or concerns. The patient must give consent in order to begin the testing, and then the EEG technologist records their medical history. The EEG technologist may help position the patient correctly and help them relax or cooperate for the needle EEG examination.
Average Hourly
Range Hourly
Average Yearly
Range Yearly
$49,842- $58,987
Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists (3217)
Neuroelectrophysiology technologist
Electroencephalographs and other diagnostic technologists require completion of a two-year college or hospital-based program in electrophysiology technology and supervised practical training.
Employment outlook is fair to undetermined in most provinces. More information is available here.
Without further education, chances to advance in this occupation are limited.
0-1 year training and experience are usually required
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) - Blended
Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick - based in New Brunswick
professionalism, maturity and self-confidence
empathy and the ability to reassure patients
the ability to be detail-oriented
the ability to respond quickly and appropriately in emergencies
the ability to work with little direct supervision
the ability to work as part of a team.
EEG technologists do shift work in healthcare settings. The work is physically demanding. They are on their feet most of the time. They sometimes lift and move patients who cannot move on their own.
Medical laboratories
An IMG can do a two-year college diploma program in Electroneurophysiology and supervised practical training.
Registration with the Canadian Board of Registration of Electroencephalograph Technologists is required by employers.
However, CBRET accepts international candidates for their licensing exams. IMGs with previous experience with EEG can submit for an assessment and if accepted they may get certified as EEG technologist directly. Learn from from here.
Registration with l’Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec is required for cardiology technologists and electrophysiological technologists in Quebec.
In Alberta, the profession is regulated by Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists.