Health policy researchers

Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers conduct research, produce reports and administer health care policies and programs. They are employed by government departments and agencies, consulting establishments, universities, research institutes, hospitals, community agencies, educational institutions, professional associations, non-govermental organizations and international organizations

Average Hourly


Range Hourly


Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$44,401.50 -$107,152.50

Health policy researchers (4165)

Child health care programs planning officer; Drug and alcohol abuse consultant; Health care consultant; Health care planner; Health policy research analyst; Health promotion program officer; Health services researcher; Mental health programs consultant; Policy development officer - nursing homes

Bachelor's degree or college diploma in health science, public/health administration. A graduate degree in health, social science or an administrative discipline may be required. Masters or doctoral degree is often required for professional advancement.

Depends on the employment area i.e., government, research institutions, policy think tanks and consulting firms. However, each path likely to need more education and experience.

- General learning ability to assist in developing government health policy by reviewing literature, conducting interviews, and collecting and analyzing statistical data; and to monitor and evaluate health care programs operated by government departments and agencies, and private organizations

- Verbal ability to present the views of associations and organizations to politicians, government officials, the media and the public, and to respond to internal and external program and policy information requests

- Numerical ability and Clerical perception to compile, analyze and report statistical information provided by private and public health care institutions and organizations

- Innovative interest in producing newsletters, magazines and other documents to provide information to members of associations and organizations, and to the public; and in designing health projects and programs

- Methodical interest in co-ordinating information to maintain, update and manage health care information databases, to assess compliance to health standards and identify remedial action if necessary, and to conduct evaluations and assessments of health projects and programs

- Directive interest in consulting with clients in private organizations, and government departments and agencies; in providing advice to senior managers and officials on issues such as health promotion, regulations, standards and financing; and in implementing health projects and programs

Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers may specialize in a particular area of health policy development, research or program administration such as addiction research.

- Educational institutions

- Government, non-government and international organizations

- Hospitals, research institutional community agencies and universities

- Obtain a Master's degree, either a one or two year Master of Public Policy (MPP) or a Master of Public Health (MPH) with a public health policy specialization or a hybrid of two MPP/MPH.

- Courses in statistics and data analysis as they need to have solid research skills and ability to sort through massive amount of data.

- Volunteering in healthcare settings, government agencies, policy and planning settings, or other public or private settings will give IMGs a chance to see how health policy is created and help in networking.