Team Coordinator in NGO

Team coordinators lead, manage, and motivate their groups to perform well. They set the short-term and long-term goals for their organization that aligns with the objective of the organization and have the ultimate responsibility meeting those goals and objectives. Team coordinator may follow the instructions of team leaders and execute jobs assigned by them. Their work may include administrative task such as scheduling and arranging meetings, conferences, events and developing agendas for their organization. They are responsible for maintaining communication with various stakeholders including community, governments, other organizations of interest, etc. They are also responsible for training the newer members and providing feedback to colleagues.

Average Hourly


Range Hourly

$15.20 – $60.39

Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$29,640 – $117,770

Other administrative services managers (0114)

Health and welfare manager - government services

Health program operations manager

Health program operations manager - government services

Health programs assistant director - government services

Health promotion chief - government services

Health services director - government services

Health strategies manager - government services

Local health services director - government services

Office of health promotion chief - government services

Public health director

Public health municipal officer - government services

Public health nursing educational director - government services

Graduate/undergraduate degree in Human Services or related field

Average hourly

Range hourly

Average yearly

Range yearly


$15.20 - $60.39


$29,640 - $117,770


Employment outlook is mostly limited across provinces. More information is available here.

Managerial positions can be obtained with experience

Entry level positions are available with up to 2-5 years of experience required in some

Any human resource management related certificate/diploma programs should help to be trained for this job. Examples:

  1. Health and Human Service Management Certificate program offered at Bow Valley College (1 year for full time; part-time available)

  2. Human Services Management and Leadership Certificate program at University of Toronto

Leadership; Stellar interpersonal and communication skills, Problem solving; Managing ability; Multitasking; Goal oriented; Project management: Computer literacy (MS Office, Outlook, Calendar, Project management etc.)

Mostly unrelated to medical knowledge and skills. However, if the organization is related to health and wellness there might be some opportunities for implementation of health-related knowledge and experience.

  1. Obtaining relevant degrees/certificates about human resources program with practicum placement

  2. Finding a voluntary position at any NGOs may lead to get such position.