Health Information Manager

Health information management professionals collect, record, review and manage health information. They are responsible for keeping the accuracy and privacy of the personal health information of the people. They also collect, code, cross-reference, store, and interpret data used to make decisions about health services. They translate the health records from patients’ medical histories and courses of treatment (such as doctors’ notes, forms for prescribed medications, input from other members of the treatment team, or test results) to organized and analyzable data (using an international classification system and Canadian coding standards). Health information management professionals manage both the records and the information inside them. They also provide guidance and expertise to health professionals in other organizations and care settings. (Source)

Health information management professionals work for: clinics, including medicentres and Primary Care Network clinics, community care facilities, government departments and privacy commissioners’ offices hospitals mental health facilities, research facilities, the Canadian Institute for Health Information, Workers’ Compensation Board offices. Those who like to travel may find employment outside Canada with the World Health Organization or through foreign recruitment agencies. (Source)

Average Hourly


Range Hourly

$33.11 – $55.85

Average Yearly


Range Yearly

$64,557 – $108,916

Health information management occupations (1252)

Access and Disclosure Specialist, Coding Specialist, Health Information Data Analyst, Health Record Administrator, Information Specialist, Release of Information Specialist, Cancer registrar, Tumour registrar, Health information/records management coder, Health information management practitioner, Health information/records management professional, Health information/record management supervisor, Health information/records management technician, Health records classifier, Health information/records technician, Medical archivist, Medical records supervisor, Medical records technician, Medical records technicians supervisor, Medical records unit supervisor

Completion of a recognized two-year college diploma program in health record technology or health information management. Having the membership of Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA) is an asset. This is not mandatory but may be required by some employers.

Average hourly

Range hourly

Average yearly

Range yearly


$33.11 - $55.85


$64,557 - $108,916


Employment outlook is mostly fair to good across provinces. More information is available here.

Jobs may start as medical transcriptionist/coder/health information management clerk/analysts etc., but as health information management professionals/practitioners is also possible from the start or with some experience. With further education and/or experience managerial positions can be obtained.

Examples of available programs:

Health Information Management at SAIT, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, CHA learning

Online Health Information Management certificate and diploma programs at McMaster University

The following certificates from CHIMA can be an asset.

CHIM: Certified Health Information Management

CCCS: Certified Classification and Coding Specialist

CCDIS: Certified Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist

CTSS: Certified Terminology Standards Specialist

Self-motivation; attention to detail; the ability to multitask; interest in working with big data; the ability to manage many priorities and demands; the ability to be highly accurate; computer hardware and software skills, Problem solving; Goal oriented; Project management

In general, health information management professionals work a standard workweek. Where health record departments are open longer hours, they may have to work shifts. This job involves a lot of time sitting at a computer. Speed and accuracy are critical. The pressure is on to deliver both.

Difference between ‘Health information management’ and ‘Health Informatics’:

Health Informatics

Health Information Management

  • Designing information systems.

  • Evaluate effectiveness of existing health informatics processes.

  • Evaluate impact of information on clinical processes.

  • Facilitating communication between departments regarding IT requirements and other regulatory matters.

  • Implementing tools to make patient care and processes more effective through data use.

  • Managing patient data.

  • Coding information to obtain reimbursement.

  • Ensuring compliance with government regulations for data.

  • Providing staff with proper access to medical information.

  • Protecting the security and privacy of patient health data.

Learn more

IMGs can get enrolled in a two-year health information management diploma programs or can complete a certificate (online) programs for start. Also, if entry to the programs in desired institute is difficult for anyone some relevant courses through open studies (e.g., medical transcription at Lethbridge college) may facilitate entry to the health information management. Also, training/experience as medical office assistant can