They monitor and evaluate wellness programs operated by public or private health and wellness organizations. Health and wellness coordinators assess compliance with health standards and identify remedial action if necessary. They provide health and wellness related consulting services to clients in private establishments or government departments or agencies.
Producing newsletters, magazines and other documents to provide information to association or organization members or the general public is also a part of their job.
Average Hourly
Range Hourly
$11.08 – $48.16
Average Yearly
Range Yearly
$21,600 – $93,910
Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers (4165)
Child health care programs planning officer
Dental health consultant
Drug and alcohol abuse consultant
Health and social services liaison officer
Health educator
Health and Wellness Coach
Health and Wellness consultant
Health promotion program officer
Home-care programs consultant
Labour force planning consultant - health sector
Long-term care program consultant
Medical adjudicator - Canada Pension Plan
Mental health programs consultant
Wellness consultant
Wellness co-ordinator
Wellness program co-ordinator
Wellness coach
A bachelor's or graduate degree or college diploma in health science, public administration, recreation administration or hospital administration, psychology, nutrition, or a bachelor's degree in social science, is required.
A certificate or diploma in wellness coaching, health promotion, diet and nutrition or similar is usually preferred.
Employers may also require applicants to have 1 or more of the following:
first aid and CPR certification
Workplace Hazardous Material Information Systems (WHMIS) certification
clear security and child welfare checks
a valid driver’s licence
Average hourly |
Range hourly |
Average yearly |
Range yearly |
$33.43 |
$11.08 - $48.16 |
$65,189 |
$21,600 - $93,910 |
Employment outlook is mostly good in most provinces. More information is available here.
With further education and experiences managerial positions are possible to obtain.
1-3 years of experience in the health field as a health care professional or as a community or social service worker are usually required.
Certificate and diploma programs are available at many colleges. Examples include:
Wellness Coaching at Humber College
Health, Wellness and Fitness diploma at Mohawk College
Nutrition for Healthy Lifestyles at SAIT
Team player, compassionate, attentive to the clients, passionate for working with people with disabilities, critical thinking skills, interest to explore new things and taking challenges, strong communication skills, highly responsible, able to stay calm under pressure, ability to consistently project a positive, professional image, on and off the job; the ability to maintain a balanced perspective; excellent organizational and time management skills; an interest in facilitating individual and organizational growth; negotiation skills; Valid CPR/First Aid certificate may be required
Health and wellness coordinators work in a wide range of settings, including public health units, community health centres, ethno-specific and multicultural community-based organizations, as well as other regional and provincial organizations. Residential settings may require shift work. Other settings may offer more regular hours. Evening and weekend work are sometimes required.
Enrolling into above mentioned programs and obtaining relevant degrees are usually a starting point. Also, volunteering in different social and health services organizations could help get in-field experience and kick off.