They administer massage techniques, treating soft tissues and joints of the body through soft tissue manipulation, relaxation techniques, hydrotherapy, trigger point therapy, joint pain and lower grade mobilizations, remedial exercise programs and client self-help programs.
They also suggest home care instructions and provide information about techniques for further postural improvement and stretching, strengthening, relaxation and rehabilitative exercises.
They may consult with other health care professionals such as physiotherapists, chiropractors, physicians and psychologists when developing treatment plans for clients.
Average Hourly
Range Hourly
$19.00 – $66.73
Average Yearly
Range Yearly
$37,050 – $130,114
Massage therapists (3236)
Massage therapist (MT)
Masso kinesitherapist
Registered massage practitioner
Registered massage therapist (RMT)
Thai massage therapist
Complementary Medicine Practitioner
Muscle Therapist
Massage therapists usually require completion of an 18- to 24-month or 18- to 36-month program in massage therapy from an accredited school and a period of supervised practical training.
Average hourly |
Range hourly |
Average yearly |
Range yearly |
$39.25 |
$19.00 - $66.73 |
$76,538 |
$37,050 - $130,114 |
Employment outlook is good to fair across provinces. More information is available here.
Advancement in this field most often takes the form of building a larger client base. Therefore, entrepreneurial and business management skills are an asset
1-2 years
Massage Therapy at Mount Royal University
Massage Therapy at Lethbridge College
Massage Therapy at MacEwan University
Excellent communication skills; empathetic; ability to work independently, Patience, Flexibility, Organizational skills and attention to detail; Manual dexterity; teamwork; self-confidence; leadership skills; creativity and adaptability
Registration with a regulatory body is required in Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario and British Columbia..
The work can be physically demanding. They may need to move or lift patients.
Enrolling directly into a Diploma program
Get certification
Or, one can start as a massage therapy assistant and can get a degree alongside and advance gradually