Why is a booster necessary?

Provided by Metropolis Institute

Factsheets on vaccination for children under 5

Provided by Alberta Health Services

Factsheets on brand shopping / mixing and matching vaccine brands

Provided by Alberta Health Services

Expanded booster doses help protect young Albertans

Provided by the Government of Alberta

Getting Your QR Code Vaccine Record for Travel

Provided by the Government of Alberta

Alberta Open for Summer: Stage 3

Provided by the Government of Alberta

COVID-19 Distraction Techniques

Provided by Alberta Health Services

What to Expect with your COVID-19 Immunization

Provided by Alberta Health Services

COVID-19 Immunization in Pregnancy

Provided by Alberta Health Services

Get Vaccinated – It’s Safe and Easy

Provided by the Government of Alberta

The Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines

Provided by Health Canada

Fit to Immunize

Provided by AIMGA

Does Omicron mean vaccination doesn’t work?

Provided by AIMGA

Does getting a booster mean the first vaccines didn’t work?

Provided by AIMGA

If Omicron is less severe, why are hospitals full?

Provided by AIMGA

Should my children get vaccinated?

Provided by AIMGA

Should I still get tested for COVID-19 in 2022?

Provided by AIMGA

Why are vaccinated people catching COVID-19?

Provided by AIMGA

What’s the difference between hospitalization and ICU?

Provided by AIMGA

Why are the rules in Canada different than back home?

Provided by AIMGA

What counts as “fully vaccinated” now?

Provided by AIMGA

If I already caught COVID-19, am I immune?

Provided by AIMGA

The top 3 reasons to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster.

Provided by AIMGA