Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. If you had a choice of MCAP versions, what version would you have preferred? *MCAP OnlineMCAP In Classrom2. Please rate user-friendliness in navigating the MCAP modules: *Very user-friendlyUser-friendlySomewhat user-friendlyNot user-friendly3. On average, how many hours did you spend on each module outside of class time? *5 hours or less6-10 hours11-15 hoursMore than 15 hours4. Please check the classes that you attended (Check all that apply): *Module 1: An Introduction to Patient-Centered CareModule 2: Giving Advice & Including the Patient in the Management PlanModule 3: Dealing with TeenagersModule 4: Dealing with Difficult PatientsModule 5: Breaking Bad NewsModule 6: Medical EthicsModule 9: Collaborative Care, Teamwork, and Conflict ResolutionModule 10: Integrating Successfully Into Rural PracticeModule 11: Bridging Cultural Diversity In The WorkplaceModule 12: An Orientation To The Canadian Healthcare SystemModule 13: An Orientation To Providing Care For Indigenous PopulationsNow that you have completed MCAP Online, please rate the overall usefulness of each module/class:4a. Module 1: An Introduction to Patient Centered Care *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4b. Module 2: Giving Advice & Including the Patient in the Management Plan *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4c. Module 3: Dealing with Teenagers *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4d. Module 4: Dealing with Difficult Patients *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4e. Module 5: Breaking Bad News *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4f. Module 6: Medical Ethics *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4g. Module 9: Collaborative Care, Teamwork, and Conflict Resolution *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4h. Module 10: Integrating Successfully Into Rural Practice *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4i. Module 11: Bridging Cultural Diversity In The Workplace *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4j. Module 12: An Orientation To The Canadian Healthcare System *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot useful4k. Module 13: An Orientation To Providing Care For Indigenous Populations *Very usefulUsefulSomewhat usefulNot usefulWhich 3 modules/classes stood out for you? *Module 1: An Introduction to Patient-Centred CareModule 2: Giving Advice & Including the Patient in the Management PlanModule 3: Dealing with TeenagersModule 4: Dealing with Difficult PatientsModule 5: Breaking Bad NewsModule 6: Medical EthicsModule 9: Collaborative Care, Teamwork, and Conflict ResolutionModule 10: Integrating Successfully Into Rural PracticeModule 11: Bridging Cultural Diversity In The WorkplaceModule 12: An Orientation To The Canadian Healthcare SystemModule 13: An Orientation To Providing Care For Indigenous Populations5. Overall, how would you rate the... * ExcellentGoodAveragePoor MCAP materials?ExcellentMCAP materials? ExcellentGoodMCAP materials? GoodAverageMCAP materials? AveragePoorMCAP materials? Poorfeedback offered by the MCAP Online instructors and examiners?Excellentfeedback offered by the MCAP Online instructors and examiners? ExcellentGoodfeedback offered by the MCAP Online instructors and examiners? GoodAveragefeedback offered by the MCAP Online instructors and examiners? AveragePoorfeedback offered by the MCAP Online instructors and examiners? Poorlearning environment? (i.e. it was conducive to my learning, the environment was professional, etc.)Excellentlearning environment? (i.e. it was conducive to my learning, the environment was professional, etc.) ExcellentGoodlearning environment? (i.e. it was conducive to my learning, the environment was professional, etc.) GoodAveragelearning environment? (i.e. it was conducive to my learning, the environment was professional, etc.) AveragePoorlearning environment? (i.e. it was conducive to my learning, the environment was professional, etc.) Poor 6. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. The FACILITATOR was... * Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree knowledgeableStrongly Agreeknowledgeable Strongly AgreeAgreeknowledgeable AgreeDisagreeknowledgeable DisagreeStrongly Disagreeknowledgeable Strongly DisagreerespectfulStrongly Agreerespectful Strongly AgreeAgreerespectful AgreeDisagreerespectful DisagreeStrongly Disagreerespectful Strongly DisagreepreparedStrongly Agreeprepared Strongly AgreeAgreeprepared AgreeDisagreeprepared DisagreeStrongly Disagreeprepared Strongly Disagreetime-efficientStrongly Agreetime-efficient Strongly AgreeAgreetime-efficient AgreeDisagreetime-efficient DisagreeStrongly Disagreetime-efficient Strongly DisagreeengagingStrongly Agreeengaging Strongly AgreeAgreeengaging AgreeDisagreeengaging DisagreeStrongly Disagreeengaging Strongly DisagreefriendlyStrongly Agreefriendly Strongly AgreeAgreefriendly AgreeDisagreefriendly DisagreeStrongly Disagreefriendly Strongly Disagree 7. Please indicate your level of CONFIDENCE with the following: * Very confidentConfidentSomewhat confidentNot confident participating in-class role playsVery confidentparticipating in-class role plays Very confidentConfidentparticipating in-class role plays ConfidentSomewhat confidentparticipating in-class role plays Somewhat confidentNot confidentparticipating in-class role plays Not confidentasking questions in classVery confidentasking questions in class Very confidentConfidentasking questions in class ConfidentSomewhat confidentasking questions in class Somewhat confidentNot confidentasking questions in class Not confident 8. How would you rate your level of knowledge of Patient-Centered Care... * ExcellentGoodAveragePoor BEFORE taking MCAP Online?ExcellentBEFORE taking MCAP Online? ExcellentGoodBEFORE taking MCAP Online? GoodAverageBEFORE taking MCAP Online? AveragePoorBEFORE taking MCAP Online? PoorAFTER taking MCAP Online?ExcellentAFTER taking MCAP Online? ExcellentGoodAFTER taking MCAP Online? GoodAverageAFTER taking MCAP Online? AveragePoorAFTER taking MCAP Online? Poor 9. How would you rate your COMMUNICATION... * ExcellentGoodAveragePoor BEFORE taking MCAP Online?ExcellentBEFORE taking MCAP Online? ExcellentGoodBEFORE taking MCAP Online? GoodAverageBEFORE taking MCAP Online? AveragePoorBEFORE taking MCAP Online? PoorAFTER taking MCAP Online?ExcellentAFTER taking MCAP Online? ExcellentGoodAFTER taking MCAP Online? GoodAverageAFTER taking MCAP Online? AveragePoorAFTER taking MCAP Online? Poor 10. Overall, choose the statement that describes how you feel about MCAP Online: *Exceeded my expectations.Met my expectations.Did not meet my expectations.10a. Why or why not? *11. Overall, would you recommend MCAP Online to other IMGs/ITPs? *YesMaybeNo12. Have you achieved any notifiable milestones (e.g.. - passed the QE1, NAC and/or TDM, obtained eligibility letter for Associate Physician and/or PRA, obtained an Associate Physician or a sponsored position) while attending MCAP? *YesNo12.a. If yes, what milestone(s) *13. Other comments or feedback not captured above:14. How would you like your name to appear on your Certificate of Completion? *FirstLastPlease note that your name will not be associated with any of the responses above.Submit