
Groups and forums are now available!

AIMGA has been working behind the scenes to set up online groups and forums for our members, and several of these are now up and running!

The AIMGA member forum can be used by members for any general-purpose topics and discussions. You can click the Subscribe button on the main forum page to get email notifications when new topics are posted to the forum. Please click here to visit the forum.

In addition, online AIMGA groups are available and these groups provide a variety of tools and information to group members. You can visit the Resources link for a group to access documents, links to videos, and so on. You can ask or answer questions in a group forum, and each group has a member directory can help you find peers and identify networking opportunities. You can send and receive private messages to other group members through the website. Please click here to see the list of groups that are available.

Deidre Lake

Deidre’s career started with teaching. From there, she specialized in performance-based, competency-based assessment tools related to language, communication, and workplace integration. She’s managed various programs and initiatives for non-profit organizations and large institutions. She’s been a member of various provincial and national advisory committees. From management, she moved into the areas of curriculum design and research. She’s led several research studies related to language assessment and a longitudinal study on International Medical Graduates in Canada. Deidre has been working with International Medical Graduates since 2004 and brings with her a wealth of knowledge, experience, and ideas. She has a proven track record in the development of innovative, high quality, outcome driven, online and face-to-face training programs, including the highly successful MCAP program for IMGs in Alberta. She is enthusiastic and driven to continue to lead, develop, and implement quality educational programs. She is committed to excellence and passionate about IMG education, workplace training, e-learning initiatives, and the evolution of technology in the areas of education and healthcare.