Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Who facilitated this session? (provide first name) *2. To what extent did this session increase your knowledge of AIMGAs programs and services? *No increaseSomewhat increasedIncreasedGreatly increased3. Based on the information provided in this session, are the services provided by AIMGA relevant to your needs? *Not relevantSomewhat relevantRelevantVery relevant4. How comfortable are you navigating AIMGAs website and registering for AIMGA programs and services? *Not comfortableSomewhat comfortableComfortableVery comfortable5. Was your facilitator any of the following: (check all that apply) *KnowledgeableRespectfulEngagingPreparedTime efficientNone of the above6. After today's session, my next step is: *Submit