Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. What session are you evaluating? *Writing a Professional BiographyResume Writing Transferable SkillsResume Writing StylesWriting a Cover LetterEmail EtiquetteReferencesJob Search StrategiesUsing LinkedIn Effectively2. To what extent did this session increase your knowledge of the topic discussed? *No increaseSomewhat increasedIncreasedGreatly increased3. How relevant was this session to your needs? *Not relevantSomewhat relevantRelevantVery relevant4. To what extent did this session help with your employment / job search goals? *Not helpfulSomewhat helpfulHelpfulVery helpful5. Was the facilitator any of the following? (Check all that apply) *KnowledgeableRespectfulPreparedTime efficientEngagingNone of the aboveSubmit