Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Are you applying to the upcoming CaRMS 2025 Cycle? *YesNoUnsure1a. Is this your first time applying to CaRMS? *YesNo1a1. How many times have you applied in the past? *123+Prefer not to say2. Which CaRMS session(s) did you attend? *Tips for CaRMS 2025 Application Cycle (Jun 10, 2024)CV for CaRMS Application (Jun 13, 2025)I don't recallTips for CaRMS 2025 Application Cycle2a1. How relevant was the Tips for CaRMS 2025 Application Cycle session to your needs and/or next steps? *Very relevantRelevantSomewhat relevantNot relevant at all2a2. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: Since attending the Tips for CaRMS 2025 Application Cycle session... * Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree My knowledge and understanding has increasedStrongly AgreeMy knowledge and understanding has increased Strongly AgreeAgreeMy knowledge and understanding has increased AgreeDisagreeMy knowledge and understanding has increased DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy knowledge and understanding has increased Strongly DisagreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improvedStrongly AgreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improved Strongly AgreeAgreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improved AgreeDisagreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improved DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improved Strongly Disagree 2a3. Would you recommend this session to other IMGs? *YesNoUnsure2a3a. Why would you recommend this session?2a3b. Why wouldn't you recommend this session?CV for CaRMS Application2b1. How relevant was the CV for CaRMS Application session to your needs and/or next steps? *Very relevantRelevantSomewhat relevantNot relevant at all2b2. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: Since attending the CV for CaRMS Application session... * Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree My knowledge and understanding has increasedStrongly AgreeMy knowledge and understanding has increased Strongly AgreeAgreeMy knowledge and understanding has increased AgreeDisagreeMy knowledge and understanding has increased DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy knowledge and understanding has increased Strongly DisagreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improvedStrongly AgreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improved Strongly AgreeAgreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improved AgreeDisagreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improved DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy confidence and ability to make better informed decisions towards my goals has improved Strongly DisagreeMy confidence in writing my CV for the CaRMS Application has increasedStrongly AgreeMy confidence in writing my CV for the CaRMS Application has increased Strongly AgreeAgreeMy confidence in writing my CV for the CaRMS Application has increased AgreeDisagreeMy confidence in writing my CV for the CaRMS Application has increased DisagreeStrongly DisagreeMy confidence in writing my CV for the CaRMS Application has increased Strongly Disagree 2b3. Would you recommend this session to other IMGs? *YesNoUnsure2b3a. Why would you recommend this session?2b3b. Why wouldn't you recommend this session?Overall3. Was/were the facilitator(s) any of the following? Please check all that apply: *KnowledgeableRespectfulPreparedTime efficientEngagingI can't recallNone of the above4. Are there any other sessions or workshops that you would like AIMGA to offer in the future? Please share your ideas:5. Feel free to provide any other feedback or comments for us below:Submit