Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.BACKGROUND 1. Did you apply to the current CaRMS 2024-2025 cycle? *YesNo1.2. Why not? Please check all that apply. *Financial reasonsLack of time or readinessSocial reasons (e.g., health, family, etc.)Feeling frustrated with the processFeelings of hopelessnessNot eligible for the province I wish to applyDon't meet the exam or residency requirementsObtained a position in healthcareEnrolled in further trainingIn an alternative career pathwayPursuing other licensure pathways, such as PRA or outside of CanadaPlan to leave Canada and practice elsewhereOther1.2.O. For other, please explain: *2. Is this your first time applying to CaRMS? *YesNo2.1. How many times have you applied in the past? *12345+2.2 In what year(s) did you last apply? Select all that apply *2023 - 20242022 - 20232021 - 20222020 - 20212019 - 2021 or lower2.3. Were you called for an interview in the past? *YesNo3. In what year did you complete the QE1? *202420232022202120192018 or lower3a1. In what year did you complete the NAC-OSCE? *202420232022202120192018 or lower4. Which English language proficiency exam did you take for CaRMS? Please select all that apply. *OET MedicineIELTSCELPIPTOEFLN/A; I did the French language examN/A; I am exempt from ELP4.1. Have you taken other licensing exams? Please select all that apply. *USMLE Step 1USMLE Step 2USMLE Step 3PLABOtherNo, I haven't4.1a. For other, please indicate which other assessments.: *5. Please select which applies to you: *Canadian-born applicant who studied abroad (CSA)Naturalized Canadian CitizenPermanent Resident6. In what year did you arrive in Canada ? *Before 20002000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220237. What was your specialty area PRIOR to coming to Canada? Please select all that apply. *Family Medicine/General PracticeInternal MedicineObstetrics/GynecologyPediatricsOtherN/A; I did not do post-graduate training/residency. I'm a medical graduate.7.1. Please specify other area of specialization: *8. How many years of independent practice have you had (excluding residency/post-graduate training)? *NoneLess than a year1- 2 years3-4 years5-10 yearsMore than 10 years8.1. In what year did you last practice independently? *2024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000Before 20008.2. Indicate the context(s) in which you practiced. Please select all that apply. *Rural/remote areasUrban areasAcute care settings (hospital)Community clinicsOther9. What activities have you done to become familiar with the Canadian healthcare system? *Completed clinical observership(s)Worked as a Medical Office Assistant/Clinical Assistant (without a provisional license)Worked as a Clinical/Surgical Assistant OR Associate Physician (under a provisional license)Worked in another job in healthcareCommunity or volunteer workResearchClinical electives (with a post-secondary institution)FellowshipsAIMGA's Medical Communication Assessment Program (MCAP)Other9a. If other, please explain: *9.1. What was/is your job title? If you've had or have more than one, please feel free to write all job titles for jobs you've had in Canada from the most recent to least recent. Thank you. *10. Approximately how many programs did you apply for? *12345678910+11. Did you apply to AIMGP or BC-CAP? Please select all that apply. *AIMGP (Alberta)BC-CAP (British Columbia)BothNeither11.1. Were you invited for the MMI? *YesNo12. Are you applying to residency seats in the United States via ERAS? *YesNo13. Have you been deemed eligible for a Practice Readiness Assessment (PRA) route? *YesNoI don't know about PRA routes or whether I'm eligible14. Which PRA program(s)? *PRA-BCPRA-ABSIPPAPRA MBPROCMQ (QC)PRA-NBNSPRAP (NS)PRA-NLPREPARATION PROGRAM AND SERVICES 15. How confident are you in matching to residency? *Very ConfidentConfidentSomewhat ConfidentNot ConfidentRETURN OF SERVICE 16. Did you have to complete a return to service in your home country? *YesNo16.1 For how many years ? *Less than a year1 - 2 years3- 4 years5 + years17. How willing are you to work in a rural/remote area following residency training? *Very willingWillingSomewhat willingNot willing17.1. How confident are you in your skills to work in a rural/remote area in Canada following training? *Very confidentConfidentSomewhat confidentNot confident18. Many programs in Canada require IMGs to complete a return of service following their training. How willing are you to do a return of service? *WillingSomewhat willingNot willingNot applicable19. What are your thoughts regarding the return of service requirement?FairUnsurePrefer not to sayN/ADRAW As a way to thank our members for taking the time to complete this survey, AIMGA is doing a draw for two (2) $50 gift cards. If you would like a chance to win a $50 gift card, please provide your name and email below. On behalf of AIMGA we wish you success with your application to CaRMS! NameFirstLastEmailSubmit