Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Are you applying to the upcoming CaRMS 2023-2024 cycle? *YesNo1.1. Is this your first time applying to CaRMS? *YesNo1.1.a. How many times have you applied in the past? *1234+Are you registered for FMProC? *YesNoWhen is your examination date? *Are you registered for Casper? *YesNoWhen is your examination date? *Did you use AIMGA's resources posted for CaRMS 2024 Group to support your test preparation? *YesNo2. How relevant was this CaRMS CV/Resume Workshop to your needs and/or next steps? *Very relevantRelevantSomewhat relevantNot relevant at all3. To what extent did this CaRMS CV/Resume Workshop increase your knowledge? *Greatly IncreasedIncreasedSomewhat increasedNo increase4. To what extent did this CaRMS CV/Resume Workshop increase your confidence to start writing the first draft of your CV ? *Greatly increasedIncreasedSomewhat increasedNo increase5. Which facilitator(s) led your workshop? (check ALL that apply) *RossaliaTeresaSholaRoman6. Was the facilitator(s) any of the following: (check ALL that apply) *KnowledgeableRespectfulPreparedTime efficientEngagingNone of the above7. Are there any other sessions or workshops that you would like AIMGA to offer in the future? Please share your ideas.8. Feel free to provide any other feedback or comments for us below.Submit