Career Transition Program

What is the Career Transition Program?

The Career Transition Program (CTP) assists IMGs who are considering an alternative pathway into the Canadian health care system as a short or long-term career goal. The goals of the Career Transition Program are:

  • increase IMGs overall knowledge and awareness of alternative career pathways where IMGs can utilize their skills, experience and education through a series of workshops
  • provide IMGs with the tools necessary to manage their own career path
  • provide IMGs an opportunity to meet with guest speakers, employment coaches, HR consultants, and mentors to discuss alternative options and obtain feedback
  • complete a 50-hour work/mentorship placement in an area of interest based on their skills, experience, and desired alternative career pathway(s)

Program Format

The program consists of the following:

  • 8–10 career workshops with guest speakers
  • Opportunities to connect with potential mentors through speed mentoring events and mentorship circles
  • A 50 to 100-hour mentorship/work placement to explore an area of interest
  • Individual coaching sessions to create a career plan, professional portfolio, and determine next steps
  • An evaluation of the program impact and outcomes

Workshop Topics

The workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Managing transitions
  • Making the most of change
  • Dealing with the loss of professional identity
  • Finding a job in Canada that makes use of your experience, education and expertise
  • Alternative careers
  • Networking
  • Informational interviews
  • Understanding and using social media effectively
  • Your elevator pitch and professional biography
  • Putting your resume and interviewing skills to the test
  • Giving and receiving feedback within the Canadian context
  • Successfully managing conflict in the workplace
  • The importance of soft skills, teamwork, initiative, and critical thinking


This program has been made possible with funds from the Government of Alberta (Newcomer Supports) to assist IMGs considering alternative pathways into the Canadian healthcare system.