Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.AIMGP Application1. Did you submit an application for the AIMGP 2024-2025 cycle? *YesNo1a1. Why didn't you submit an application for AIMGP 2024-2025? *I'm not a resident of AlbertaI didn't have enough time to applyI wasn't aware of the processI'm not ready to apply yet / I'm planning to apply in the following yearOther1a2. Please explain:1b. Is this your first time applying to AIMGP? *YesNo1b1. Please provide your email address for details on AIMGA's MMI prep: *1b2. How many times have you applied in the past? *1234+1c. Were you deemed eligible? *YesNoPrefer not to say1c1. Would you like AIMGA to reach out to AIMGP on your behalf ?YesNo* Please reach out to AIMGA if you are unclear about reasons for not being eligible*3. AIMGA would like to congratulate you on making it this far in your AIMGP application process. How would you rate your overall experience of the AIMGP application process?Straight forwardEasy to navigateManageableConfusingComplicatedTime consuming3a. Did the AIMGP application process have any of the following strengths? *Straight forwardEasy to navigateManageable3b. Did the AIMGP application process have any of the following weaknesses? *ConfusingComplicatedCostlyTime consumingRequire the support of AIMGA3c. Please share any feedback you have on the AIMGP application process:4. What were the costs you incurred as part of the application?Feedback on AIMGA Application Supports5. Which of the following AIMGA application support(s) have you received? *Info session(s)One-to-one consult/drop-in with an AIMGA career advisorBothI don't recallNone of the above5a. AIMGA's AIMGP application support(s)... *was/were necessary to my successwas/were helpful in completing my applicationincreased my confidence in applyingincreased my knowledge about the application requirementsNone of the above6. How confident are you in matching to residency? *Very confidentConfidentSomewhat confidentNot confident7. Have you participated or are you participating in AIMGA's CaRMS Preparation sessions?YesNoI plan to in the futureI am unfamiliar with these sessions7a. If you would like to receive information on upcoming CaRMS 2024-2025 information sessions, please leave your email address here:8. The following statements apply to me... *I have successfully completed the QE1My QE1 results are pendingI have successfully completed the NAC OSCEMy NAC OSCE results are pendingNone of the above*Please remember to share your results to AIMGP via physician apply by mid October 2024*About you9. Is your AIMGA Member Profile up to date? *YesNoUnsure9a. Which of the following describes you? *International Medical Graduate (IMG)Canadian who Studied Abroad (CSA)Other9a1. IMG: Which of the following applies to you? *Permanent ResidentRefugeeNaturalized Canadian Citizen9a2. CSA: Which of the following applies to you? *Naturalized Canadian citizenCanadian-born citizen9b. Please select your area(s) of specialization: *Family MedicineInternal MedicineObstetrics/GynecologyPediatricsPsychiatryOther9b1. Please specify your area of specialization:9c. In what year did you last practice independently? *Please enter in a YYYY format, ex: 20229d. In which workplace settings have you practiced? *HospitalCommunity clinicRural/remote area(s)Urban area(s)OtherThank you for taking the time to complete the survey! Please ensure your AIMGA Member Profile is up to date.Submit