We are following up with those who utilized our services throughout the CaRMS cycle to better understand where you are at now and to obtain your feedback on AIMGA’s services. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Email *Did you submit an application to the CaRMS 2022/23 cycle? *YesNoWas this your first time applying? *YesNoHow many applications have you submitted at this point? *234+Which AIMGA supports did you make use of? (Check all that apply) *CaRMS Prep ProgramCaRMS Workshop(s)1:1 Consult(s)Mock Residency Interview Session(s)Please elaborate on your response above and let us know if there is anything we did particularly well, or anything we can improve upon in preparation for the next CaRMS cycle. *Were you called for a residency interview? *YesNo Did you match to residency? *YesNoCongratulations! Please tell us what program you matched to. *Would you be willing to be a mentor or guest speaker for IMGs who are applying to future cycles? *YesNoTo what extent did AIMGA help you in this process? *AIMGA did not help me at allAIMGA helped me somewhatAIMGA helped meAIMGA helped me to a great extentWhat other supports did you make use of, and how did these supports compare to those you may have used at AIMGA? *Would you be willing to do a testimonial video for AIMGA? *YesNoNow that the cycle is over, our advisors are happy to meet with you to discuss next steps and how we may be able to further support you in your career goals. Please book an appointment with an advisor on AIMGA's website if you would like additional supports. Submit